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Billed Only Once

Single job posting

checked-2Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

checked-2Company Career Page

checked-2Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

checked-2Distributed Google Jobs Network


Job Distribution
With Workarma, your Jobs get distributed on Google Jobs Network, and several other job boards.
100% Satisfaction
At Workarma, we work hard to deliver value for money and offer a 30-Day Money Back Guaranteed.
Customer Support
Our experienced support team is ready to assist you with any issue your experience.

frequently asked questions

When creating your job posting, you'll have three options on how to receive your applications:

Link: Redirect applicants directly to an external URL to complete their application. This could be a link to the job posting in your ATS (Applicant Tracking System) or the jobs page on your company website. When applicants click "Apply," they'll be redirected to complete their applications. This is our recommended option.

Email: Have applicants apply by sending their applications directly to your email.

Direct: Have applicants complete their applications on Workarma. You'll receive an email when a new application is received. You'll be able to view and manage applicants directly on your dashboard.

Workarma targets job seekers who want to improve their workplace well-being and employers who understand its importance. Our audience is typically searching for a new employer that can improve their overall wealth, has a strong vision for where it is going, provides quality work in a positive environment, and embraces the concept of wellness. For further guidance, check out the Job Posting Guidelines. If, for any reason, we don't approve your job, rest assured you will receive a full refund.

Currently, we do not offer free job postings. However, we do offer discounted prices on bulk job postings. If you want to purchase a custom bulk of job postings, please contact us for more information.

Still Have Questions?

Please contact us with any questions.

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