Tips on how to get a job interview

Hiring By Aleks Szymanski Published on August 7

Finding a job can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. You send out application after application, but securing a coveted interview can seem elusive. But you shouldn’t lose faith - there are some strategies you can use to stand out from the crowd, and secure that all-important meeting with potential employers.

Polish up your resume

Think of your resume as your own, personal billboard. It needs to grab attention immediately, so start tailoring it for each job you apply for. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences related to the position. Use simple language - but make it compelling. Also, incorporate any keywords from the job posting itself, so that your application is relevant to the role.

When including personal achievements, make sure they are measurable. So, instead of simply saying you “helped with sales,” say you “boosted sales by 20% in six months”. This paints a vivid picture of your contributions, making you a more attractive candidate for the role.

Master your online presence

These days, everybody uses social media in one form or another. Employers will often look you up on platforms like LinkedIn, so make sure your profile is up-to-date and professional. This includes your photo and headline, which should reflect your career aspirations and what you can bring to the table.

Be sure to include detailed descriptions of your work experience, focusing on your achievements, while quantifying your accomplishments with numbers where possible. You should also list any relevant skills, and seek endorsements from colleagues or other references. The more endorsements you have, the more credible you’ll appear to potential employers.

It can be useful to share industry-related content, and engage with other professionals, as this shows you’re active, and interested in your field. Think of this almost like planting seeds - the more you nurture your online presence, the more opportunities will bloom.

Network like a pro

Networking is similar to fishing: the more lines you cast, the better your chances of catching something great. So take the opportunity to attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with former colleagues.

Sometimes, it’s not just about who you know, but who knows you. A personal recommendation can carry more weight than a resume alone. So don’t be afraid to reach out and share your career goals. You never know who might have a vital lead, or be able to influence your next opportunity.

Another useful tip is to request informational interviews with people already working in your desired field. Such conversations can provide valuable insights, and potentially lead to job referrals. 

Sell yourself in your cover letter

Your cover letter is your opportunity to tell a story, as well as add personality to your application. Start with a strong, attention-grabbing opening, then share why you’re passionate about the role, and how your background fits. Remember to keep it concise, as no one wants to read a novel. Use bullet points to highlight key experiences and skills, as this will make your letter easier to skim and read. Then, end with a confident closing summary to invite further discussion.

In addition, pay attention to any specific application instructions. If a company asks for a specific document or piece of information, make sure you include it to demonstrate your attention to detail.

Prepare for the interview

Once you have successfully secured an interview, preparation is key. Research the company thoroughly, know their mission, values, and any recent developments. This knowledge will show you’re not just interested in any job, but specifically in them.

Practice common interview questions, and prepare your own to ask as well. This will help you feel more comfortable, confident, and articulate during the actual interview. Think of this as a dance; you want to be in sync with the interviewer. Confidence is crucial - maintain eye contact, and don’t rush your answers. Showing you’re calm and collected will set a positive tone.

Follow up like a boss

Once you’ve had an interview, don’t fade away into the background. A follow-up email is your chance to leave a lasting impression. Not only does it reinforce your interest, it also allows you to thank the interviewer for their time. Keep this short and sweet - mention a specific topic you discussed to jog their memory, and reiterate why you’d be a great fit for the business. This small gesture can keep you front of mind when recruitment decisions are being made.

Remember, the job search process is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay persistent and keep refining your approach, and success will follow. After all, getting a job interview is like unlocking a door to a new opportunity. By following these tips, you can make yourself a strong candidate. So embrace each step as part of your journey. The right opportunity is out there, waiting for you to seize it.