How to deal with workplace anxiety

Well-being By Aleks Szymanski Published on October 3

Workplace anxiety can feel like a heavy boulder on your back, dragging you down each day. However, if you experience this, don’t panic - you’re not alone! Many people struggle with anxiety when it comes to their jobs. Let’s consider some ways to tackle this challenge, and make your work life smoother.

Understanding workplace anxiety

What is workplace anxiety? It's that tight knot in your stomach when you think about a presentation, the racing heart before a big meeting, or the dread of dealing with certain colleagues. This kind of anxiety can wear you out, and make your workdays longer than they need to be. Recognizing that this feeling is common is the first step.

Identify your triggers

Finding out what makes you anxious is key. Is it a looming deadline? A tough coworker? Or maybe just the hectic office environment? Write down what triggers your anxiety. Once you know what it is, you can tackle it head-on, instead of letting it sneak up on you.

Create a safe space

Your workspace should feel like a refuge, not a battleground. Try to personalize your area with items that make you feel calm, like pictures of loved ones, or inspiring quotes. A plant might help too! This little touch can turn your desk into a cozy corner, helping to ease your mind throughout the day.

Develop healthy routines

Having a routine can work wonders. Start your day with a morning ritual, such as a short walk, or deep breathing exercises. These small habits can help set a positive tone for the rest of your working day. Make sure you also take regular breaks from your screen. Stepping away from your desk to make a drink, or just stretch your legs, can clear your mind - and refresh your spirit.

Communicate openly

Don’t bottle up your feelings. Talk to your supervisor or HR if you feel comfortable doing so. Many workplaces are open to discussing mental health. If you share your concerns, it might help create a more supportive environment. You’re looking to build bridges rather than walls, which can lead to better understanding and teamwork.

Seek support

Sometimes chatting with colleagues who also feel the pinch of workplace anxiety can help. Sharing experiences creates a sense of community. Alternatively, if you prefer a more personal touch, consider speaking to a mental health professional. They can provide tools and strategies to help you navigate through any anxiety.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is like a mental workout for your brain. Taking a few minutes a day to focus on your breath, or simply being present, can work wonders. Just as you can strengthen your body at the gym, you can do the same for your mind. Indeed, apps or other online resources can guide you through mindfulness exercises, making it easier to fit into your day.

Celebrate small wins

Every little achievement counts. Did you finish that report on time? Give yourself a high-five! Acknowledge your successes, no matter how small they are. This practice boosts your confidence, while serving as a reminder you’re capable of overcoming any challenge, even when anxiety rears its head.

A brighter work future awaits

Dealing with workplace anxiety might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By identifying triggers, creating a safe environment, and seeking support, you can lighten that heavy boulder weighing you down. Remember, you’re not just surviving the day - you’re building a path toward a brighter, more confident future at work. 

Embrace each day as a new adventure, and watch how your anxiety starts to shrink away.